Tuesday, November 2, 2010

SF supervisors pass 'Happy Meal' regulations

Lawmakers in San Francisco have approved legislation to hopefully force fast food chains such as McDonald's to stop serving such unhealthy kids meals or at least stop serving toys with them. The board of supervisors voted 8-3 for passing an ordinance that would limit toy give aways for meals with excessive calories, sodium, or fat. It also requires there to be a serving of fruits and vegetables in each meal. Supervisors say the law would make San Francisco the first major city to try and reduce child obesity. McDonald's disagrees with this law however, saying it restricts parents; ability to make choices of what their children eat.

I think this is a really smart thing they are doing. Obesity is a big problem in the country and something needs to be done about it. If kids learn to eat healthy at a young age, it is sure for those good habits to stick with them throughout their life. At least have a positive impact on them. Kids have to be taught how to eat right and stay healthy. Toys are a motivating factor for children and I feel if they were given out less with the really unheathly meal choices and put with foods that are better for you, more kids would be likely to get the meal that is better for them with having the incentive of a toy. What San Francisco is doing is a good start. Other cities and states need to look at what they are doing and follow along. McDonald's and other fast food places can get over themselves.


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