Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Firefighters Let Home Burn

Last week, in rural Tennessee, firefighters let a home burn completely to the ground because the homeowner "forgot" to pay the $75 annual fee. The county does not have a county-wide firefighting service, but South Fulton offers fire coverage to rural residents for a fee incase of a fire, like in this case. Gene Cranick's grandson had been buring trash near the home when the fire got out of control. They called 911 but the operator said they were not on the list so they did not come to fight the fire. The family lost their home and all of their possesions. The firefighters did however show up at the surrounding property becuase that ownder did pay the fee. The firefighters never even acknowledged the Cranick's and their burning house, they just stood there and watched it burn. South Fulton's Mayor claims that if one doesn't pay the fee in advance and they need firefighting services they cannot be allowed to pay on the spot becuase then the only ones who would pay would be paying only when and if they needed help.

I think this is crazy and it should never have happened, regardless of someone paying or not paying a $75 fee. It is terrible to think that a group of firefighters could and would just stand by and watch a family lose their house and all of their possessions because they neglected to pay a fee of just $75. Yes, the fees do need to be paid but i don't think it should be the deciding factor on whether or not a house is salvaged. I do not think that if they would have tried to save the house that other people would quit paying the fee and only pay when they needed help and if they did. There should be a pennalty payment set up that is quite a bit higher, such as tripple the $75 dollars or something so people would be motivated to pay the $75 up front rather than risking a lot more money later. Those who didn't pay would still be helped but there would be a punishment for not paying the annual fee. No one deserves to lose all of their belongings and their home just because of one $75 payment that was missed. Insurance ended up having to cover a bit of the stuff lost and damaged which I am sure ended up costing people a whole heck of a lot more than if they would have just forgot about the fee and put the fire out. It is absolutely ridiculous that they have this kind of policy.


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