Sunday, October 3, 2010

Karl kills 2 after ramming Mexican port city

September 17th, Hurricane Karl hit the Mexican port city of Veracruz. The hurricane took two lives and caused them to shut down their only nuclear power plant and central Gulf Coast oil platforms. The cause of death to the two people, a 61 year old lady and a 2 year old girl, was a landslide that engulfed their home. Since Hurrican Janet hit back in 1955 in Veracruz, there has not been one so bad since. Karl knocked down trees, power poles, and billboards with winds of up to 115 mph. The heaviest damage was at the costal homes, food huts were demolished, and about 70 homes were flooded, some streets were impassible. More than 22,000 people lost power but luckily it was restored to many neighborhoods within a few hours.

For this reason and many others, I am very thankful I live in Minnesota, where there is no chance of a hurricane. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through that, especially when the storm was predicted to first not even hit Veracruz. I feel so bad for all the poeople that have to deal with hurricane damage and all the hardships that come along with them. Flooding, losing a home, lost lives, just over all despairity. I am so thankful that living where I do i never have to even think about that happening to me. However i feel terrible when it happens to others, especially when it has been a home to someone for a very long time and then they have to go through that. I wish there was something we could do to try and reduce damage from hurricanes. I think people need to consider not building their homes so close to the coastal areas so they can protect themselves form this type of situation and damamge. I couldn't imagine losing all of my stuff to a flood or even seeing up close what a flooded town damaged by the rath of a hurricane even looks like. I just hope everyone who suffered through the hurricane is starting to get relief and back up on their feet. They are very blessed that after a hurricane just two lives were lost, but two is still too many.

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