Monday, October 4, 2010

NATO oil tankers attacked in Pakistan

This past Monday, suspected militant terrorists attacked and set fire to over 20 oil tankers carrying oil for NATO and U.S. troops. There have been multiple attacks such as this one in Pakistan. This attack has really heightened the tension between Washington and Islamabad. Police officers down near the capital city Islamabad where the attack took place, blamed it on terrorists. The oil tankers were parked at a poorly guarded terminal where the terrorists shot at them prior to setting them afire. The trucks were on their way to bring parts, military vehicles, fuel and other supplies for the U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

It is incredibly sad that this remains to happen because of the hate the people there have for what we are doing, we want to help them and make things better for them but they just can't see our side. Nothing will get better if they don't stop trying to rebel against us. If they keep firing at our tankers full of supplies, or setting them afire, it will make it really difficult to find other ways to get supplies to our troops. Without the supplies the troops will quite obviously not be effective fighters. It is clear that there have to be alternate roots for the tanks to travel in order to avoid attacks such as these. The attackers threaten to continue with the attacks on the convoys until the supplies are completely stopped. The United States and NATO do have alternate supply routes into Afghanistan but the Pakistani routes are the cheapest and most convenient. The ones who are making these attacks need to be stopped so we can continue to use the easiest route of transportation to keep the troops well supplied. Some sort of agreement has to be figured out.

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